When reading a Sally Clarkson book, I can almost imagine myself seated at her table. An inviting place with words of wisdom. In
The Lifegiving Table, Sally invites you to pull up a chair and learn about her family table.
This is more than just a place where food is consumed, but where minds and ideas are nurtured. Sally says,
"What is my vision for my lifegiving table? I picture that I am nourishing souls and spirits with both physical food and the everlasting food of the Word of God. I am providing grace and peace through gently accepting whoever joins us at the table. I am speaking hope forward by articulating my confidence in God's love, faithfulness, and kindness for each person. I am establishing a spirit of graciousness by welcoming all who come as guests of the loving Host who serves all and makes us all whole." (The Lifegiving Table, P35.)
Sally helps us catch that vision and understand how to turn your table into a way to connect with your children and others. The book is full of helpful and practical advice to do so. While not every idea is going to fit every family, they serve as inspiration to do what
does fit. There are some great, special recipes along the way. Our family has enjoyed a few of the around our table. This book is a worthwhile read, even if you are not in a season where all the ideas feel realistic for you. I stored a lot of her advice in my heart and a year later am able to implement more!
I received this book from Tyndale Publishing in exchange for my honest review.